Sheathing / Wall Insulation
Continuous Insulation has become a high priority for wall applications and is where a majority of films and other types of rigid-board facers are used in the residential and commercial building industry. ADLAM’s ability to produce new lamination film products when needed, while also utilizing its wide range of existing products, provides multiple opportunities to enhance rigid-board insulation’s strength, moisture barrier and breathability characteristics. ADLAM’s Low-E products can provide additional R-Value, when installed properly.
Sheathing films and facers allow manufacturers to produce a longer linear footage product through a process known as fan folding or rolling. This gives a contractor the option to not only handle standard 4-foot by 8-foot rigid insulation, but also rigid insulation 25 feet or longer. This option provides ease of installation and taping of joints in the field, resulting in a labor savings.
An added moisture barrier can be achieved through ADLAM’s metallization process. Metallized films have become the choice of manufacturers over an older paper foil process.
Printing is also available to enhance the marketability of any manufacturer brand.